Re: who to vote for
Faux Pas, on host
Tuesday, November 21, 2000, at 13:44:00
Re: who to vote for posted by Ticia on Tuesday, November 21, 2000, at 13:33:26:
> (snip) > > > If Bush gets in, he'll be "The President that got in against the will of the people" because of all this trying to get the hand recounting nullified. If Gore gets in, he'll the "Man who sued to become President". > > > Um. He's not trying to get the hand recounting nullified. He's trying to get them to STOP recounting. They counted the votes the first time...Bush won. They did a recount. Ok, fair enough, it *was* close enough to warrent a recount. Bush won *again*. So, Bush was trying to get those four counties to put in their count ON TIME. As is THE LAW. but they didn't, and so the problems continue. > And I have no comment about Gore. I couldn't stand him before the election. This doesn't change my opinion, just reinforces it. > > Ti'at least, that's the problem as I understand it. Anyone else have any other comments?'cia
You're right, I was wrong about the "nullified" remark. I meant stopped. Let me restate that:
If Bush gets in, he'll remembered as be "The President that got in against the will of the people" because of the attempts to get the hand recounts stopped. If Gore gets in, he'll be remembered as the "Man who sued to become President".
However, I think that my quotes about the two candidates will be how they are remembered for the next few years. (Either that, or that's how the winner will be maligned by the losing side during the term of office.)
-Faux "it's all about the spin doctors" Pas