Re: The Priceless Gift That Could Not Be
Faux Pas, on host
Monday, November 20, 2000, at 12:29:25
Re: The Priceless Gift That Could Not Be posted by Don the Monkeyman on Monday, November 20, 2000, at 11:37:34:
> I never thought of it that way... Not that I have ever shirked at the opportunity to give blood (is that a correct usage of the word "shirked"?) Maybe I should go give some plasma soon just for that experience... That WOULD be cool. > > Don "The Monkey'Sam's right! Bleeding DOES rule!'man" Jackson
Unlike Mousie, I donated my plasma purely for monetary gain. It was back in college, and I, of very little money, was able to pick up between eight and twenty bucks for each donation. I only did it through one summer, when money was extremely tight.
Another guy I knew went on a regular basis, all thoughout the school year. He wound up getting grounded when he went back home for the summer and his father found the needle marks on his arm.
-Faux "they had comfy couches to rest in when the plasma was taken out" Pas