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Re: RinkWorks Staff
Posted By: Grishny, on host
Date: Saturday, November 18, 2000, at 09:49:13
In Reply To: Re: RinkWorks Staff posted by Howard on Friday, November 17, 2000, at 18:47:32:

> How about "Rinkworks cast" or "Rinkworks production crew?" No? I guess those sound too theatrical. Maybe "Rinkworks editoral assistants." Cohorts? Conspirators? Gang? No, I've got it! "The Rinkworks Force."
> Howard

Well, you've got some good ideas, but I'm not sure you've got the naming convention right. Sam, correct me if I'm wrong, but shouldn't those be more along the lines of:

"RinkCast," "RinkCrew," "RinkAssistants," "Rinkhorts," "Rinkspirators," "RinkGang," or "RinkForce?"

I'm just following patterns I've seen here to what I believe is a logical conclusion. I mean, we've got our "RinkForum" and our "RinkChat." Darien and Minamoon are the official "RinkCouple." My son is the semi-official "RinkBaby." Doesn't there need to be some syntaxical (syntactical? Is that even a word? I don't have a dictionary handy) continuity?

Gri"self-styled RinkOrc"shny

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