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Re: My great picture
Posted By: Ayako, on host
Date: Friday, November 17, 2000, at 12:53:56
In Reply To: Re: My great picture posted by Ayako on Friday, November 17, 2000, at 09:19:39:

> > Yes. A great picture. You even used one of my favorite techniques. I shot a picture of a coconut palm against a setting sun the last time I was at Kona. I even used a disposable camera and still got a good picture. The tree came out totally black and all of the colors were in the sunset. I attribute mine to luck, but yours looks very professional.
> Well, it was just coincidence, really. I was pretty shutter-button-happy on that trip, so I took pictures of nearly everything. Only a few turned out to be that good. :-) I do tend to take pretty good pictures though. Thank you for the compliment. :-)
> Ayako

Also, a big thank you to all the others who complimented me on my picture. I've always been rather proud of that one, even if it was just coincidence. :-)
