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Posted By: Howard, on host
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2000, at 17:52:28

Talk about dumb things to do! Krystal, the little square hamburger people, have stopped making donuts. Theirs were better even than Krispy Kream! I'd write them a protest email, but I understand they did it a cople of years ago and they probably had tossed the receipe by now anyway. Rats.

Dumb thing to do, number two. The trees at the Loudon County Court House are going to be cut down because their roots are breaking up the sidewalks! The building was built circa 1872 and some of the trees look like they were planted soon after that. They could pour a new sidewalk in a few days, but trees like that take a century to grow. Dum, dum, dumB!
Direct your protest via That's what I'm going to do.

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