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Re: Hey Brunnen-G and others not in America
Posted By: Don the Monkeyman, on host
Date: Thursday, November 9, 2000, at 12:49:47
In Reply To: Re: Hey Brunnen-G and others not in America posted by Dracimas on Thursday, November 9, 2000, at 08:40:16:

> > > I have one question for you all. Just how silly does this make America look? We have become one of the world's "Super Powers", but have trouble electing a president. Does that make us look dumb/vulnerable/[insert your's here], or is it seen as the mistake that it was and not really paid attention to?
> > >
> > > Drac "Ok, that's 2 questions" imaS

Well, it may simply be the fact that Canada is so close to the US (in more than just geography), but I do not feel that any of the current events reflect poorly on the United States. If anything, they simply show the media to be sensationalist fools. I feel that the recount in Florida is not a sign of weakness of any sort, except perhaps for the fact that one is necessary. I have to wonder-- in our modern computer age, why can't we get the counts right the first time? Of course, every nation seems to have similar problems, and I'm not trying to imply that this is a US problem. Overall, though, I think that the situation is being handled admirably, and I can't imagine why there would be any fuss. (There is some excitement in my household, but that is mostly becuase of curiosity, and the fact that we also feel the tension of the close election.) I hope this was the sort of thing you were looking for, Drac.

Don "The Monkey'Friendly Canadian, Eh?'man" Jackson

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