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Re: One year and one month old, five days ago
Posted By: Brunnen-G, on host
Date: Thursday, November 2, 2000, at 02:23:27
In Reply To: One year old, yesterday... posted by Ticia on Wednesday, November 1, 2000, at 13:24:05:

> My very first post to the message forum was one year ago, yesterday, under the name "Trillian"
> Link posted below
> My life has changed so much since then. I got a raise, I got married, (which is enough of a life changing event in and of itself...) and I've made a whole bunch of new friends. No, seriously. You guys are the best. Not to get sentimental or anything, but I feel like I know all of you. I look forward to seeing you (in Rinkchat)
> every day. It's so much like a family in there (Ok, so most of *my* sibling DO get on Rinkchat, but...) Anyway, thanks for a great year. Thanks for being there. And thanks for being intelligent enough to have decent conversations with. Oh, and thanks for being patient enough to put up with me...
> Ti'and I still struggle to think up witty things to put between the quotes'cia

You turned up around the same time I did, then. My first forum post was September 29, 1999. I got online for the first time about a week before that, when I started at my previous job. This place was one of the first websites I ever looked at, and was certainly the first time I'd ever seen a message board or (later) chatroom. And all of Ticia's comments above apply to me too, apart from the "getting married" bit and the "siblings online" bit. :-)

Brunnen-"why waste time on the rest when you start with the best"G

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