Re: One year old, yesterday...
Grishny, on host
Wednesday, November 1, 2000, at 19:58:57
Re: One year old, yesterday... posted by Ticia on Wednesday, November 1, 2000, at 15:48:15:
> As a side note... > > The bank that owns the land that we want agreed to our last and final offer. We now have to get financing through a bank/credit union, but if we do we will be the proud owners of a house, (almost) an acre of land, a little rental unit in back of the house, and an old scooter that I want to dig up (it's surrounded by weeds) and see what brand it is so I can tell Howard. The house needs TONS of work, but most of it can be done by my husband, or friends of his. > > Anyway, I'm kind of excited about it. > > Ti'all this, for only $42,000. Ruling, eh?'cia
Hey, the price next to the picture says $59,900! If you're only paying $42,000, sounds like you got a deal!
A house is on our wish list too. We'd love to have a nice little yard for Jonathan to run around in when he learns how to run. I'd love to have a special room just to put the computer in! We'd also like to have a place to hook up and use our washing machine and dryer, which have been sitting unused in our garage since February. (Long story, PLEEAASE don't ask.) A house is a long way off, unfortunately.
Gri"a new computer might be a little closer"shny