Re: Reader's Poll--Caesar Dressing?
Don the Monkeyman, on host
Wednesday, November 1, 2000, at 12:37:11
Reader's Poll--French Dressing? posted by Shandar on Wednesday, November 1, 2000, at 12:06:05:
> Come on, people! French is beating Ranch in the Reader's poll? I am quite ashamed. However, it is early in the poll. My only hope is that people with good taste will triumph over the evil that is French Dressing. > > Shan-I didn't vote for Ranch, but I CERTAINLY didn't vote for French-dar
Good point. I have a question, but it involves a brief story first.
I didn't used to eat salad. Then I started. When I started, I was introduced to creamy caesar dressing, and it is now the only kind of dressing I use. That's my story. (It WAS brief, wasn't it? That's odd for me... They say brevity is the soul of wit, and although I can't remember who originally said that, I'm certain he was trying to say that I am witless. It's odd, isn't it, how verbose sounds like souch a nice word, but to some people, it is a very bad adjective to have to apply... Speaking of verbosity (the noun form of verbose), I normally like to avoid nesting parentheses, and I also prefer to keep comments within parentheses limited to a single phrase or sentence. So much for that. Has anyone else been paying enough attention to me to notice that so far, half of my posts have discussed parentheses? Perhaps I'm obsessed with them. All obsessions aside, my story may have been brief, but at least now the paragraph which contains it has become sufficiently lengthy as to fulfill my minimum daily dosage of verbosity. Ahhh... There's nothing like a good verbosity fix...)
Now, the question: Is there another kind of caesar salad dressing which is NOT creamy? For some reason, I always thought there was, but I have yet to see any evidence of that. In any case, I voted for caesar, as you may have guessed. Ranch would also be an acceptable winner. (I have had to eat it on occasion at my parent's place, and it is an acceptable dressing for a garden salad).
On a totally different subject: I am now up to four posts in a span of about 2.5 hours. I think I'm officially hooked on the message forum. (It was bad enough when I was reading and re-reading the other features, playing the games, and so forth, but now I can contribute? I could starve to death whilst enjoying this site.)
Don "The Monkeyman" Jackson