Re: TV, and the manipulation of values
Brunnen-G, on host
Tuesday, June 13, 2000, at 17:29:14
Re: TV, and the manipulation of values posted by Howard on Tuesday, June 13, 2000, at 17:04:56:
> Many years ago the CEO of CocaCola was riding on a train. He struck up a conversation with a fellow passenger. After a while the passenger asked him a question. "I don't understand,"he said, "why CocaCola spends so much on advertising. You already have the lion's share of the market. Everybody knows about Coke. Why do you waste the money like that?" > The Coke man thought a minute and said, "This train is traveling in excess of 75 miles-per-hour. Why don't we just take the engine off?" > How"burp"ard
Heheh, that's great. Food and drink advertising is weird, though. If I see a new one advertised, OK, I might try it once. But if I don't like the taste, no amount of multi-bazillion-dollar "image" ad campaigns are going to make me ever buy it again. I care little about how cool people think I am, and am not convinced that being seen holding a Coke can is going to have any effect whatsoever on my sexual attractiveness or fashion sense. Besides, I'm almost over 30, and according to all the ads I've ever seen, that means you might as well be dead.
Brunnen-"you're never too old to act like you're in a Mountain Dew ad"G