Re: Story Hunt
Cheez Liz, on host
Monday, June 12, 2000, at 17:13:23
Story Hunt posted by Mel on Monday, June 12, 2000, at 16:08:14:
> This Story Hunt thing is pretty cool. Way to go, Sam! > > M"An addictive new feature and a site market game. Heh. Just what I need on finals week"el
Ha ha. I finished finals a week ago. Last Monday was my last day of school. Even then, I didn't have to do a whole lot.
The only finals I had left were French and Percussion. I'm primarily taking French for an easy A, and our "written final" for Percussion consisted entirely of lying to anyone who asked if we'd taken a written final. Strangely enough, several students actually "failed." (the three honest kids had to stay after class for de-programming)
Heh heh. I also got two liters of very old Pepsi for cleaning out the closet in the band room. I love the last day of school.
Cheez "Yes, I took a written final for Percussion, as the school district requires me to take a written final in each class in which I am enrolled" Liz
P.S. Just to minimize any outrage that may arise from this post, let me explain that we did indeed take a final for percussion-- it was a performance final (the kind the district doesn't count). So we didn't cheat as glaringly as we could have.