as a psych major. . . .
shadowfax, on host
Wednesday, May 10, 2000, at 08:08:06
A Problem posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, May 9, 2000, at 20:34:48:
it sounds to me like you should make an appointment to see a psychiatrist (not a psychologist). This doesn't mean you're insane- - - it's just that psychiatrists can prescribe drugs, and psychologists cannot. The symptoms you describe are classic bi-polar (aka manic depressive) disorder symptoms. The good news is that there's a miricle drug for this disorder -- lithium. If the psychiatrist determines you do indeed have bi-polar, he'll put you on lithium, which, if taken according to instructions, has a tremendously high success rate in eliminating the symptoms entirely.
Bi-polar disorder is a biological disorder- - not a mental disorder. This means that it won't get better on it's own - -you won't just "snap" out of it by yourself. Fortunately, it's one of the disorders that is almost universally and completely treatable.
Best of luck.