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Fortune Cookies
Posted By: Fobulis, on host
Date: Sunday, May 7, 2000, at 19:22:52

Question: what's the best fortune you've ever gotten from a fortune cookie?

I got a great one last weekend while I was out to lunch with some friends. Now, we'd been talking about gender roles and such - another girl and I are quite unladylike, one of the guys is gay, and another remarked that he'd not had any luck getting girls to go out with him and that if his luck didn't change pretty soon he was going to have to switch to guys.

So I finished my meal and opened my fortune cookie. I burst out laughing. The fortune? "You are a happy man."

I don't think I'll ever get one to top that one, but I hope I'm wrong.

-Fob"there's something you don't know about me..."ulis

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