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Re: Good Friday
Posted By: Minamoon, on host
Date: Tuesday, April 25, 2000, at 17:26:12
In Reply To: Re: Good Friday posted by Faux Pas on Tuesday, April 25, 2000, at 07:18:47:

> > >
> > > I've seen the term "Maundy Thursday" in print. What does it mean?
> >
> > Maundy Thursday is the Thursday before Easter. It's another name for Holy Thursday.
> >
> > -Faux "looked it up using gurunet -- way cool program" Pas
> Or you might be interested in the word "Maundy". Encarta says:
> The name Maundy is derived from mandatum (Latin, "commandment"), the first word of an anthem sung in the liturgical ceremony on that day.
> -Faux "font of knowledge" Pas

While that's a lovely definition, the significance, for anyone who might not know, is that Thursday night was when Judas betrayed Jesus and he was arrested in the garden of Gethsemane.

~Mina "isn't that 'fount' of knowledge?" moon

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