Odd things with the message forum....
Kaz!, on host
Wednesday, March 29, 2000, at 11:48:36
Fun with Thief (The first one) posted by Kaz! on Wednesday, March 29, 2000, at 11:41:05:
Ok, for some reason my message got clipped at the end AND it got posted as an entirely new message, rather then a reply like I intended it to be. The last paragraph should read:
> I have to admit though, that was pretty pathetic. PLEASE tell me that they improved the computer AI - and while they're at it, can I get some legs this time? (I can't figure out how you can made such a loud noise with no feet...heck, how do you WALK with no feet? Also, isn't it odd how the guards don't notice a big lump of moss in the middle of the hallway? That doesn't seem like something they see every day..)
-Ka"I hope that this post works"z!