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Re: Clothing Rant
Posted By: Chris, on host
Date: Friday, November 26, 1999, at 20:02:50
In Reply To: Clothing Rant posted by Mel on Friday, November 26, 1999, at 16:37:35:

> Is it just me or does it seem like all the popular clothes these days are recycled from past decades?

Not just you.

> And why does it seem like they've recycled the worst fashions of each decade?

Wish I knew. I think it's supposed to be some kind of statement. Or contest. "I care enough about being trendy I'm willing to wear [dramatic pause] *this*!"

> Have all the clothing designers ran out of original ideas or what?

Good a guess as any, I s'pose.

> How else can the return of bellbottoms, platform shoes, hemp jewelry, and those weird, bulky, life jacket-ish vests from the 80's possibly be justified?

I'm not sure anything can justify those.

> -M"questions, questions, questions"el

Chr"jeans, tennies or Sorrels, and Polar Fleece go with anything"is

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