Re: SS: Ch. III.......Halp (Update)
geneva, on host
Saturday, June 5, 2010, at 13:04:10
Re: SS: Ch. III.......Halp posted by gremlinn on Saturday, May 29, 2010, at 20:48:35:
Ahh, I see what you mean gremlinn! I was going back with the two in tow instead of the one. Also, I have no idea what was going on with the tide thing. I was using the grove, but for some reason the tide thing was still giving me problems, maybe I double clicked something. Anywhos! figured that one out. Safely into Chapter IV now, and trying to tackle the Tower, where I have been stuckered again.
I've figured out all but the purple tiles, and it seems that all my experimentation with trying to figure out the pattern has been fruitless.
Updated inv.
4 Bear Figurines 15 Mana Mushrooms Black Boots Metal File Tower Keys 5 Carrots 2 Metallic Arcs Busted Flute Morph Scarf Tree Branch 1 Crab Figurine 1 Rubber Glove Fancy Clothes Rusty Key Vancryl Robe 2 Dove Figurines 2 Starlight Stones Glass Vial Secret Book 3 Frog Figurines 2 Whale Figurines Gobberfish Toothbrush 1 Jujurr Pit Asbestos Suit Long Spear Torch
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