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Re: Outlaws of the Sierra Nevadas HELP (spoilers welcome)
Posted By: salana, on host
Date: Friday, October 3, 2008, at 17:28:21
In Reply To: Re: Outlaws of the Sierra Nevadas HELP (spoilers welcome) posted by ShadowsofAsh on Friday, October 3, 2008, at 01:09:27:

> So I actually got all the way through the desert, now I'm trapped in the guard house. I'm trying to figure out what to do to attract the guard's attention, b/c everything I've done so far has been ineffective.
> Matches
> Hat Pin
> Playing Cards
> Canteen
> Wood
> Feather
> Cord
> Cabbage
> Altar Cloth
> Key
> Map
> Spittoon

You have something in your inventory that you could use to distract the guard. HINT..."Walk over to the door".... "listen at the door" HINT... THINK and something will come to your mind. You may have to try it more than once. Don't let him see you when the door opens. HINT check your inventory and think about what you can use to draw his attention from the outside of the door. Something that doesn't make noise. BIG HINT.. You got what you need at the wagon after you fed the hungry guy.

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