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Brackly Hall--incredibly long-winded cry for help
Posted By: jellylegs, on host
Date: Tuesday, September 30, 2008, at 20:35:44

So, here's my inventory:
Credit Note
Iron Key
Silver Key
Gold Key
Pocket Knife
Tourist Brochure
Map of Brackly Hall
Map of the Maze

I got into the secret room in the study, and I know I need to go the watchmaker's for the cog, but they're always closed. Also, I have a sneaking feeling there's some kind of old document I should have because the antique store can translate them.
I saw some stuff about a head from the headless statue on this board, and I have no idea bout that.
Also, is there some place where there's a hint for the chapel? I just keep on turning the cross and pressing things.

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