FQ2 Help Please
jy, on host
Sunday, February 3, 2008, at 05:16:05
Hi, I am Stuck with a few different things please help, I'm not at all good with subtle hints so please be super blunt and specific. Inventory: 20 onions 2 tree branches sack small silver coin silver key crown of destiny float ring sap tap bucket of sea water cross roc feather coconut blue rubber ball pliers iron support I have been to volcano and fed "creature". And fortress, hut (rearranged furniture successfully). Also been to Island,cave,farm,garden (got rid of 2 furry creatures) and am in forrest.I have helped mermaid and given 6 coins ( I think) to soothsayer, destroyed cyclopes, and vampiress. But heres the problem; I don't know how to help Indian, or clown and don't know how to get rid of beefhead and fire drake. I know I help clown later but Indian, beefhead and fire drake are problems. Thanks in advance. Please help.
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