Re: king soloman's mine help
jamesh, on host
Wednesday, January 2, 2008, at 11:22:22
Re: king soloman's mine help posted by salana on Tuesday, January 1, 2008, at 15:51:01:
> > i am stuck in the mist room, and I am stuck, badly. > > I have tried making two maps and going in every direction on every tile and for some reason cannot find an exit. > > Whenever i try to go to the northwest corner (out-of bounds area) there are always walls blocking my way. > > > > any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks! > > A few exits are located toward the NW corner of the area. Try hunting around there. Explore general vicinity. Maybe N then W until you get out-of-bounds. EXPLORE. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Nevermind, I figured it out, but thank you
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