Murkon's Refuge
Lady C, on host
Tuesday, May 1, 2007, at 17:41:54
Have taken at least 3 teams up to lev. 100 plus (Current Team has Two Assassns at over 200 and a 300 Druid) and have never been able to reach a certain area on Lev. 10 in Murkon's Refuge. I think the answers to 3 questions would do the trick or at least give my current team a chance for success. The questions themselves are most likely SPOILERS. But, here goes:
1) Are there more than 10 pools on Level 10? (Area I can't get to appears to have six pools and have already counted 10 that I've been into.) 2) Is the stone of passage the same thing as the tunneling stone? 3) Would having one of my characters carry the stone of passage make finding the access point to that area possible that wouldn't be accessible without it?
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