Re: MV level 2 - otherworldly chill
Rahenna, on host
Wednesday, April 4, 2007, at 12:02:01
Re: MV level 2 - otherworldly chill posted by Sam on Wednesday, April 4, 2007, at 10:21:08:
Hi Sam!
Thanks for your reply. I figured it out! I originally thought that item would be the solution to the "no life" problem and promptly forgot about it after it didn't work there. Also figuring that since I found it on blue parties, it wasn't important...
Thank you for creating two great games. I've always loved dungeon crawlers but often found them too difficult, maybe because I was about seven when I first tried playing most of them! Hard to find a good one these days, too, not many companies are bothering to make such an "old" and "basic" game type now. [If anyone reading this is interested, Wizardry Busin and Busin 0 for PS2 are excellent, but Busin 0 is only available as a Japanese import. Busin is available in English as "Tale of the Forsaken Land."]
I finished MR about two years ago, but I started a new party last night and was having a great time poking around. I'm considering not allowing myself to use the maps I already have so everything will be completely new again.
And not to be a pest, but I'm looking forward very much to the third Vault game!
Thanks again!
--Rahenna who should not be posting this from work...
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