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Re: Learning (Re: USB)
Posted By: Arantor, on host
Date: Tuesday, March 20, 2007, at 16:09:32
In Reply To: Re: Learning (Re: USB) posted by Howard on Tuesday, March 20, 2007, at 14:22:37:

> Don't you mean twisted mind? I have a theory that when you stop learning, you're dead.
> Howard

I've been accused of having a twisted mind too, but I prefer to think of it as non-conventional, much like RinkWorks, really.

I tend to agree with that theory, that if you stop learning, you're dead. Either that or you're going to be very soon as things change around you.

Without wanting to sound sanctimonious, I firmly believe in sharing knowledge with everyone else - some of the most important things I've ever learned, or gone on to understood are not things I've found for myself, they are things I've experienced because others have taken the time to fill in the blanks along the way.

We are living in a world where information is the new currency - and in that respect, I'm all for sharing the wealth.

Glad that my $0.02 of information was able to help.

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