Re: MOBH-Where the heck is that head?
mandichaos, on host
Monday, February 5, 2007, at 09:55:19
Re: MOBH-Where the heck is that head? posted by Monuver on Monday, February 5, 2007, at 08:21:36:
> > > I found the ummmmm... THING in the chapel, but I don't know where I left the head. I know there is another choice of where to put it (missing an arm and head or something), but I forgot where that was. > > > > Your inventory will help here, strictly because there is one item that you may or may not have that will make it a LOT easier to direct you to the head. > > > > -Mandi "isn't it convenient that the hedge is really thin in ONE PLACE?" aka Chaos > > Here is my inventory. I have done everything but gotten into the white building in the maze. > > Acorns > Iron Key > Pocket Knife > Translated Papyrus > > Lavender > Silver Key > Tourist Brochure > Map of Brackly Hall > > Spade > Gold Key > Feather > Map of the Maze
Sweet. You do have the map of the maze. That'll make this easier.
Take a good look at the map. Notice how there's one section that seems totally cut off from all other passages in the maze? It's not. Remember that one part of the maze where you had the option to barge through the only partially-grown-over hedge wall?
-Mandi aka Chaos
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