going in circles at night EFSM
girlca17, on host
Wednesday, January 24, 2007, at 22:36:47
The teachers in the physics lab have built a time machine, and they want you to go back in time to get some "dead organic matter." Here you are back in time, trying your best.
You're standing in front of one of the school's outdoor water coolers. The physics lab is immediately northeast, a part of the small south wing of the school. Beyond the cooler is the basketball court, and the New Building is to the west of it. The Boys' Quadrangle is to the west of you, and the Girls' is to the east. It is nighttime. The moon is behind clouds, so it's very dark here.
Time Machine Chain Disk with Essay Leaf Soldering Iron
Blue Paint Chalk Disk with Virus Perma-Tie Wire
Bottle Coffee Filter Eraser Scalpel Wrench
Bottle Cap Demerit Glue Stick Slip of Paper
What am I missing or going by and not seeing little hint in the right direction would be much appreciated thanks in advance.
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