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Stupid Day saved my life
Posted By: Lirelyn, on host
Date: Monday, January 22, 2007, at 16:48:57

I feel so much better now.

So about five months ago I began playing Go, which (for those who don't know) is an ancient Asian strategy game. It's at least as complicated as chess, but much more elegant, and I highly recommend it to any of you who want to tackle a new challenge. A good place to start learning is

Anyway. Introducing as many people as I can to Go was not the point of this story, though it's probably the aspect with the most general interest. The point is, yesterday I was playing a game against my teacher, a game which had been going quite well for me the day before, when we were forced to pause it due to time issues. Yesterday we convened to continue the game, and it was a disaster. I played inane move after inane move; I practically handed my opponent points on a silver platter. (On one occasion I actually did this, playing an entirely unnecessary move that lost me points in gote.) It was ridiculous. The only reason I finished the game was that I wanted to see how bad the slaughter would end up being.

I was wondering, through the whole ordeal, why I was having such a hard time focusing on the game, or indeed accomplishing anything productive. It was really pretty upsetting to me. I know I'm capable of much better.

Then, today, I come to RinkWorks... I look at the updated "Computer Stupidities." I realize, "Hot dog! Yesterday was Stupid Day!" And now it all makes sense. My subconscious knew full well what day it was, and was simply celebrating the holiday in the fittest way possible.

Lire"sweet sweet justification"lyn

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