Re: TOA Rat!!!
rinkydinkle, on host
Friday, January 19, 2007, at 12:12:15
Re: TOA Rat!!! posted by gremlinn on Thursday, January 18, 2007, at 17:36:00:
> > Hey. I have been pouring over the message board and can find nothing! I cant even get the rat in the boxes to hide. No matter what i try we just go around and around. I went down & moved the boxes so I had a quicker route thorugh, but its no use! The rat wont go! > > P.S Its already Sunday. > > Thanks for any help! > > P.P.S The humour in this game just kills me! I love the part about what Chris has for his 'adventure' hahaha!! > > The direction the rat moves at each step depends on which direction you approach from. After one step, you'll need to circle around and approach from the other side, or it will continue to just lead you around in circles.
Thanks for the advice but i'm still not getting anywhere. Could you e-mail me the spoiler? Please! I am going crazy!! thanks!
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