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Some potential happiness (which doesn't happen to me a whole lot)
Posted By: Rifty, on host
Date: Wednesday, November 8, 2006, at 23:50:29

So, here's some news...

I have an overnight job. I make a fair amount of money (that is, enough to pay my bills, but not actually get AHEAD of my bills, which means that I wouldn't ever be able to support a family or anything, and that's a major talking point in regards to a relationship I'm sort of involved with right now), but I should like to make more.

To that end, I had decided that as of summer of next year, I would have to sacrifice the one really important love of my life in order to make it work. Acting would have to take a hiatus in order that I could get a second job and get my life to where it needs to be.

It's the most adult decision I've ever made, and since I've made it, I've been depressed about it, cause I LOVE acting. It's one of the few things that keep me sane in the world. The others are two of my best friends, who are always there for me whenever I need them.

So, I would have to stop acting. Make the ultimate "What I HAVE to do over what I WANT to do" sacrifice. I was resigned to it.

Until this evening, when I received an email.

It was about a job listing that might fit the bill almost perfectly.

it would be from 12-5 pm, 10/hr, three days a week.

I think I'm totally going to apply.

Maybe... if the Lord is with me, and He's willing to let me do it, I can keep acting. That would be nice.

It's in His hands, so I'll apply, and let him direct me where I may go.

Be in prayer. Thanks.


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