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Re: Sam loves a teen movie
Posted By: Darien, on host
Date: Thursday, September 21, 2006, at 00:00:53
In Reply To: Re: Sam loves a teen movie posted by Sam on Monday, September 18, 2006, at 22:12:43:

> Sorry for the confusion, Darien -- I'm too much of a jerk to apologize


> Actually, no. Here's why: since this is a post about aesthetics and taste, all statements should be assumed subjective unless noted otherwise, or when reporting on historical merits rather than personal tastes, and assuming participants are voicing their own opinions instead of reporting on those of others. Unlike, for example, a discussion about the weather or RPG strategies, where obviously it would be the other way around.

That looks vaguely familiar...

> Clearly all the examples you're thinking of are either not self-aware, or in fact good. The rule is unshakeable.

It's NOT unshakeable unless you say QED, which you DID NOT. So I declare your argument totally invalid. QED.

> > Now, to tie back into the original subject. I'm not the only person who finds Rocky Horror entertaining. I'm not even *close.*
> Hey, Ted Kennedy keeps getting elected to the Senate, and Britney Spears is still making millions on album sales. There's no shortage of precedents for masses of people being wrong about the same thing all at once.

Whoa. You thought I was claiming that there was in fact a *shortage* of people who are *wrong?* Dude. I'm from the internet, remember? You may have heard of it - it's the freaking Birthplace of Wrongness. Before I moved here, I had no idea that so many people could be so objectively wrong about so many seemingly-subjective things. Why, just the other day, some fools listed Grease as one of the best musicals of all time!

Aside: *Is* Britney Spears still selling albums? I kind of got the impression she had ditched the whole "recording artist" shtick and moved on to "drug-addled harlot."

> > So we're all wrong to be entertained by it? If this is what you maintain, I think you need a better argument - specifically, you need to demonstrate that you have some authourity to judge what is and is not entertaining.
> If you were to tell me that the sun is purple, I have to think that, even if you got ten thousand friends to concur, the burden of proof would still be on you, not me, to demonstrate why.

See, another clear example of somebody being totally and embarassingly wrong. Whenever any of you fools disagrees with me about anything, the burden of proof is on YOU. You clearly aren't aware of this, but the fourth law of thermodynamics says quite specifically "Darien is always right until proven otherwise." The fifth law, of course, is "in case of a tie, duplicate prizes will not be awarded." The sixth law is pretty funny, too, but I won't tell you what it is.

> > I simply inferior?
> Hey, I'm way too tactful to have ever said that.


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