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Re: a chain of events and a PS
Posted By: Enigma, on host
Date: Tuesday, September 12, 2006, at 18:08:03
In Reply To: Re: a chain of events and a PS posted by Howard on Tuesday, September 12, 2006, at 13:54:59:

> > Someday when I'm rich and famous, I'm going
> > to get you a nice scooter. It will hover,
> > have GPS and radar-guided automatic avoidance
> > abilities, be powered by a small fusion power
> > plant the size of a briefcase, and have nifty
> > little rockets on the sides (for looks, if
> > nothing else).
> >
> > (I actually don't want to be rich or famous,
> > come to think of it - but if I did, then it
> > would be at least that long before I actually
> > got there.)
> >
> > - Enigma
> It's a nice thought. Thanks, but no thanks. As you can see from the pictures, I favor low tech stuff.

Okay, then... when I'm rich and famous, I will get you... a wheel! Yes, a nice, big, round wheel! :-)

> So what is the big feature that scooter salesmen can brag about to prospective buyers? Are you ready for this? It has - Ta Da!- a headlight with a high and low beam operated by a foot switch. Oh, and it gets 75 mpg.

Now THAT's a sales pitch...

I looked online and found that some of the models out there today can get upwards of 85 to 200 mpg! (The 200 mpg models were basically skateboards on steroids with handlebars, granted - but it still boggles my mind.)

> I also have about 25 old bicycles that I give away free to Rinkies who come by to pick them up. I need the space for scooters.

I may take you up on that offer sometime, since I have a neighbor who fixes up old bikes the way that you fix up old scooters.

- Enigma

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