Re: Do not dare to mock MONKEYYYY!!!!!!!!!
Faux Pas, on host
Tuesday, November 2, 1999, at 14:27:39
Do not dare to mock MONKEYYYY!!!!!!!!! posted by Brunnen-G on Tuesday, November 2, 1999, at 14:11:19:
> > > > I'll give mad props to anyone who can tell me what movie this vidcap is from. I am dying to find out so > > > > > > That picture is from the greatest Japanese TV series ever, MONKEY from the late '70s. It was based on the legend of the Monkey King (the guy with the tiara and sideburns), who according to the series was thrown out of heaven for eating some peaches and went on a quest with Sandy (a cannibal water monster), Pigsy (a pig monster) and Tripitaka (a Buddhist monk played in the series, for some bizarre reason, by an attractive young bald woman). > > > It totally rocks. There are several official Monkey sites, I'll see if I can find some to post for you. > > > > > > Brunnen-"and the nature of Monkey was ... IRREPRESSIBLE!!"G > > > > I can't tell if this is a joke or not. > > > > -Faux "Monkey, huh?" Pas > > Unfortunately it isn't. I never missed an episode for about two years. My only excuse is that I was at an impressionable age, and everyone else I knew was also crazed for Monkey. I can't even begin to describe the wonders of this series. The way Monkey could turn into a little action figure and fly away on his little pink magic cloud - the way he crossed his eyes when Tripitaka made his magic headband shrink to punish him - the insanely bad dubbed voices - Tripitaka's lipstick - the white horse that was really a dragon - oh, don't get me started. This was the series that introduced me to the sheer joy of bad movies. > > But then, what can you say about a series whose title character is a monkey made of stone who hatched out of an egg on top of the Mountain of Fruit and Flowers? > > Brunnen-"it took me about a year to work out Tripitaka was meant to be a guy"G
I ... I still can't tell if this is a joke or not.
-Faux "perplexed" Pas