Re: Head Trip on Mtv
Shandar, on host
Tuesday, November 2, 1999, at 09:08:49
Re: Head Trip on Mtv posted by Mikey on Monday, November 1, 1999, at 15:39:35:
> > Have you guys ever seen "Head Trip" on Mtv? They MSTie music videos. > > I think this is a new show and I love it. > > > > Spider-theskitbitsaresillyto-Boy > > The shorts are pretty funny, but the Mystery Science Theater treatment of the videos is hackneyed, and rarely funny. Whoever thinks adding fart noises to a dance video is genuinely humorous needs to go back to Comedy 101. > > Mi "BLAT" key
Actually, it seems to be a pathetic attempt to revive the now all but forgotten Bevis and Butthead. And sadly, as simple minded as that show was, this show doesn't even approach the comic value of B&B.
Shan"You've seen him on the Site Market Game! You read his entry in the R.I.N.K.W.O.R.K.S. contest! Now appearing in the Message Forum!"dar (a.k.a Michael F.)