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Re: Colorado: Saturday: RinkUnion VII, Part 1
Posted By: LaZorra, on host
Date: Friday, August 18, 2006, at 20:57:00
In Reply To: Colorado: Saturday: RinkUnion VII, Part 1 posted by Sam on Friday, August 18, 2006, at 13:47:51:

> [please help me complete these lists]

I have my list somewhere, but can't find it at the moment. Organized != me. Here's what I remember:

> Question #1 was, "If you won a billion dollars, what's the first thing you'd buy?"
> Leen: a tempurpedic mattress
> famous: RinkWorks
> wintermute: Hasselblad
> TalkingDog: Commune
> Maryam:
> Ticia: lots of land
> Don: Laborotory
> ahmoacah: groceries
> Stephen: jetpack
> Mia: ocean-view house
> Enigma:
> Randy: fishing boat
> LaZorra: horse trailer
> daniel78:
> PenaltyShot:
> Seth:
> Sam: another horse for Leen (token for me!)
> MegaHal: lark's tongues
> WhizKid: mildew
> Question #2 was, "What's your favorite real or fictional Olympic event?"
> Leen: dressage
> famous:
> wintermute: biathlon (skiing and shooting)
> TalkingDog: 30 meter free fall
> Maryam: kitchen sprint during commercials
> Ticia: figure skating
> Don: Pole valuting, I think.
> ahmoacah: rowing
> Stephen: nude ax juggling
> Mia: Diving
> Enigma:
> Randy:
> LaZorra: I don't even remember my own answer. It was stupid, that's all the insight I have.
> daniel78:
> PenaltyShot: Hockey
> Seth: synchronized swimming (this answer made PenaltyShot threaten to break up)
> Sam: pizza eating
> MegaHal:
> WhizKid: suicide bombing
> Question #3 was, "What would you like to do at RinkUnion VIII, however impractical it may be?"
> Leen: go on a trail ride
> famous: Rent a theater to show Sinbad in (I think this was famous, anyway)
> wintermute: have it on the moon
> TalkingDog: have it closer to home
> Maryam:
> Ticia: have it at her house
> Don: have a rubber band or laser tag fight (hey, we came pretty close this year with the swords)
> ahmoacah:
> Stephen:
> Mia:
> Enigma: ginger ale skydiving
> Randy: paintball
> LaZorra: kidnap other Rinkies and bring them to it
> daniel78: rent machine guns
> PenaltyShot: Have it in Hawaii (again, I *think* that was PS)
> Seth:
> Sam: direct a movie with Rinkies as the stars
> MegaHal: something about an ABC thumb index
> WhizKid: electrocute eleven telemarketers

You and famous totally have to do the CRAP JIGGLE JIGGLE email next year. I will not snort during the recitation.

Also, only you could start out recounting an RU and end up offering insight into growing up and changing as an adult. Thanks for that mini-essay. As someone currently in that "beginning of adulthood" stage, it's nice to know that I'm not abnormal (HA!) in feeling a bit unready to handle everything the world may throw at me and comforting to know that the aforementioned feeling will change.

La"That exceeded my sappiness quota for the week"Zorra

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