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People wonder why there are so many weird side effects to pregnancy. It's probably because pregnancy itself is weird. Tell me that if you merged your biological matter with another person, it wouldn't do weird things. When a pregnant woman gets really tired in the middle of the day, I think it's because the baby wants to go to sleep, and he's tired of being jostled around while Mom's walking around everywhere, so he sends tired vibes through the umbilical cord. If a pregnant woman gets unnaturally short of breath, hey, she's not the only one needing that air. The baby's probably doing calculus problems on the womb wall and needs the extra oxygen to fuel all that mental activity. If the way pregnant women get short of breath is any indication, babies must do a lot of advanced mathematical research, but since their memories aren't developed yet, they don't remember it, and in the process of giving birth, well, they have to leave their notes behind. But mark my words. The wisdom of the ages is right there on the inside of used wombs. We just never think to look.