- The object of the game. The object is to get points.
Enchanted Forest makes no pretense about being one of the
modern games one "finishes" and forgets. It's a game that hearkens
back to the old days of gaming where high score lists abounded. The
object of the game is to get as many points as you can and ascend up
the high score list. Enchanted Forest will keep track of all
scores and will allow you to track not just the top scores but also
your personal best -- so you can see how you rank with others and
measure your own improvement as well.
- The game board. The game board is a bird's eye view of a forest.
You start the game in the middle of this forest. During play, you
may explore as much or as little as you like, although it is to your
advantage to explore as much as is safely possible. The game ends
when you die, when you exit the forest (by moving off the gameboard),
or when you quit (by hitting the "End Game" button). On the display,
the trees and empty spaces are noted. Spaces that are blue indicate
places you have been.
- Level boosters. Hidden in the forest are five level boosters.
One booster is hidden in each of the four quadrants of the forest, and
the fifth could be anywhere. Each time you find one, the stakes are
raised -- both the rewards and perils of the forest increase.
- The Blackstone. The Blackstone is a magical artifact hidden
somewhere in the forest. Finding it means lots of bonus points.
- Exploring the forest. Part of the fun of the game, at least at
first, is exploring and discovering what perils and riches the forest
has in store for you. Each game is generated at random, so it
will be different every time you play. But one very important
phenomenon is good to know ahead of time: after you deal with the
things the forest pits against you, they disappear! All the areas you
have been (i.e., the blue areas) are guaranteed to have nothing in
- Hit points. Your hit point count is a measure of how much strength
you have left. When it reaches zero, you're dead, so keep an eye on
this number. When it gets low, it will turn red.
- Combat. You'll have to do combat in this game. There are ten
types of monsters, and the nice thing about them is they
are so predictable. Get to know the strengths of each. One of the
alternatives to fighting is running away -- you may or may not
succeed, however. The chances of successfully outrunning a monster
depend both on the monster's strength and on the current level.
- Getting trapped. There is a small chance that you will become
trapped in the course of your exploration and won't be able to do
anything. In this event, your only option is to use the "start
over" button to end the game. If you press this button, it acts as
if you died, so only use this button when absolutely
necessary. There are strategic methods of minimizing the chances
you'll become trapped.
- Saved games. Your game is saved automatically every time you
make a move. So if you're in the middle of a game, you can leave,
come back, log in again, and you will be right where you left off.
Saved games that haven't been touched for longer than a few months,
however, may be deleted without notice.
- Have fun!
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