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[4.3.6] Vocal artists

  Name                Character                  Game
  ----                ---------                  ----
  Jane Beale          Various                    Stargunner
} Fred Berman         Vinnie Gognitti            Max Payne 2
  Steve Blackburn     High Guard                 Rise of the Triad
} John Braden         Alfred Woden               Max Payne 2
  George Broussard    Triad Enforcer             Rise of the Triad
  Bill Clinton        "Spend more money!"        Stargunner
} Jonathan Davis      Vladimir Lem               Max Payne 2
  Mark Dochtermann    General Darian             Rise of the Triad
  Jim Dose'           Ian Paul Freeley           Rise of the Triad
  Bruce DuBose        Male Space Marine          Balls of Steel (Darkside)
  Bruce DuBose        Scientist #2               Balls of Steel (Mutation)
  John Galt           Lo Wang                    Shadow Warrior
  John Galt           Cop #1                     Balls of Steel (Firestorm)
  John Galt           Old Man                    Balls of Steel (Barbarian)
  Kevin Green         Lightning Guard            Rise of the Triad
  Tom Hall            God Mode Voice             Rise of the Triad
  Tom Hall            Death Monk                 Rise of the Triad
  Tom Hall            Deathfire Monk             Rise of the Triad
  Tom Hall            El Oscuro                  Rise of the Triad
  Tom Hall            ROTT DOPEFISH Sounds       Rise of the Triad
} Wendy Hoopes        Mona Sax                   Max Payne 2
  Janet Hurley        Female Space Marine        Balls of Steel (Darkside)
  Lee Jackson         Fat Commander              Balls of Steel (Duke Nukem)
  Lee Jackson         Bodiless Alien             Duke Nukem 3D
  Lee Jackson         Doug Wendt                 Rise of the Triad
  Lee Jackson         Fat Commander              Duke Nukem 3D
  Lee Jackson         Genie                      Balls of Steel
  Lee Jackson         Powerball                  Balls of Steel
  Lee Jackson         Tibetan Monk Choir         Shadow Warrior
  Lee Jackson         Zilla                      Shadow Warrior
  Lee Jackson         "Dive! Dive! Dive!"        Stargunner
  Chuck Jones         Overpatrol                 Rise of the Triad
  Dean Lewis          Mad Bomber                 Balls of Steel (Firestorm)
  Linda Majors        Goddess                    Balls of Steel (Barbarian)
} Dave Manuel         Additional Voices          Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project
  Nolan Martin        Overpatrol                 Rise of the Triad
} James McCaffrey     Max Payne                  Max Payne
} James McCaffrey     Max Payne                  Max Payne 2
  Scott Miller        Strike Patrol              Rise of the Triad
  Lani Minella        Anime girls                Shadow Warrior
  Lani Minella        Duke Nukem's girlfriend    Duke Nukem 3D
  Daniel Penz         Barbarian                  Balls of Steel (Barbarian)
  Daniel Penz         Cop #2                     Balls of Steel (Firestorm)
} Judith Peterson     Additional Voices          Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project
  James Podesta       Various                    Stargunner
  Steve Quarrella     Low Guard                  Rise of the Triad
  Todd Replogle       Duke Nukem (death scream)  Duke Nukem II
  William Scarboro    Lightning Guard            Rise of the Triad
  Rose Schuler        Anime girls                Shadow Warrior
  Joe Selinske        Taradino Cassatt           Rise of the Triad
} Jennifer Server     Valerie Winterson          Max Payne 2
  Joe Siegler         Dopefish                   Rise of the Triad
  Joe Siegler         Dopefish                   Wacky Wheels
  Joe Siegler         Duke Nukem ("I'm back.")   Duke Nukem II
  Joe Siegler         Sebastian "Doyle" Krist    Rise of the Triad
  Susan Singer        Thi Barrett                Rise of the Triad
  James Storey        "... Something Different"  Stargunner
  Jon St. John        Duke Nukem                 Duke Nukem 3D
} Jon St. John        Duke Nukem                 Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project
  Jon St. John        Duke Nukem                 Duke Nukem Forever
  Jon St. John        Duke Nukem                 Balls of Steel (Duke Nukem)
  Jon St. John        Scientist #1               Balls of Steel (Mutation)
} Vince Viverito      Jim Bravura                Max Payne 2
} Jennifer Wildes     Additional Voices          Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project
  Kristin Williams    Computer                   Balls of Steel (Mutation)
  Kristin Williams    Radio Dispatcher           Balls of Steel (Firestorm)
  Pau Suet Ying       Lorelei Ni                 Rise of the Triad

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